On October 3, 2017, CLASS Day Program began our 1st annual food and clothing drive, collecting food, clothing and toiletries donated by CLASS members and staff, as well as other staff at CLA. The items were donated by family, friends and staff throughout the month of October and the first two weeks of November. We were able to collect and donate over 100 food items, and approximately one dozen large bags of clothing in addition to many toiletry items.

On November 16th, members of the day program, along with staff, made the first donation of clothing and toiletries to The Gathering Place, an organization that serves women, children and transgender individuals who are experiencing poverty or homelessness. On November 17th, the group donated toiletries and food, including a turkey, to The Crossing, a transitional shelter operated by the Denver Rescue Mission, for people who were once homeless.

All CLASS members were very happy to participate, and we are very proud of the compassion everyone showed while helping others in our community who are in need of assistance. The food and clothing drive was a very good lesson for the awesome people who attend CLASS Day Program, and we hope they will continue to give back to our community in the months and years to come.

Next year, we hope to collect even more items and help even more people in need!