During our group outings, the members of CLASS Day Program have the opportunity to visit many wonderful places in our community. We currently have a list of over sixty locations that we visit regularly. Thanks to a very generous corporate grant, our members are able to visit places such as Meow Wolf, the Downtown Aquarium, museums, factory tours at Hammonds Candy and Celestial Seasonings, the Denver Botanic Gardens, and many, many more locations. During these outings, our members are able to learn history, see fine art and classic cars, create their own pottery and painting projects, and attend special events like the ICE! exhibit at Gaylord Rockies Resort. When asked why she likes community outings, Joannie said, “I like meeting new people.”

The goal is to assist our members with accessing the community so they have the ability to visit places they otherwise may not be able to access due to the lack of transportation, personal finances, or other circumstances.

Each month our members help staff choose outing locations by giving suggestions of where they would like to visit, and then they vote as a group to choose the next month’s community outing locations.

Social interaction is important, and our members have the opportunity to interact with their peers and other members of the community. At CLASS, learning is also important, and we strive to ensure that during the outings, members learn something while also having a wonderful time.

We are very happy to be able to provide shared experiences and gained knowledge with our members and to take them to places where they can learn about their community, their state, and the world. It’s a labor of love for our staff and our members continue to enjoy the outings they take part in and look forward to.