CLA is a 501 (c) 3 charitable organization.  For people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, funding is often limited and limiting; your tax deductible gift can greatly enhance their lives in so many ways.100% of your donation goes directly towards programs that enrich the lives of the people who receive our services.


Ways You Can Make A Difference!

Experience is an integral part of our lives. We do our best to ensure that the people we serve have the opportunities to experience unique and memorable events that lead to meaningful and joyful lives.


Fundraising Events

Each year, CLA has been fortunate enough to plan two fun-filled agency gatherings. They are great opportunities for the entire board of directors and staff to visit with the host home providers who work so hard, and with the people who receive our services that we never seem to see enough! Your donation in any amount helps us serve a delicious and comforting meal, as well as distribute awards.

Special Projects

At any given point, we have several progressive and creative projects underway that are designed to make a significant difference in the lives of the people who receive our services. Contact us to learn more about these projects, or suggest one of your own. Your donation will go directly towards the completion of that project.

Your tax-deductible gift will help us sustain and improve the quality of our programs and continue to enrich the lives of the people we serve.  Your support of the work we do will directly impact the lives of people with intellectual or developmental disabilities, helping them become more independent while enjoying a higher quality of life. If you would like to become a Corporate Partner, please contact us for additional information.

Please consider making a donation in any amount through Colorado Gives or we can accept your donation in the form of cash, check, credit card, stock/securities. Choose the way to donate that is easiest for you!  All monies raised will stay within the agency and support our growing programs.