CLA Annual Awards 2024

This year’s CLA Annual Awards was extra special, as we are celebrating 45 years of providing services to people with IDD! Our theme was Super Heros! It truly is a fun way of acknowledging people within the agency, and their many years of partnership!  We cannot thank the many staff and board members who work hard…

2024 CLASS Garden

The 2024 CLASS gardening season is winding down. The season was noted to have a high level of cooperation between the gardeners. Since converting the garden from one big plot to individual gardening beds, CLASS members have taken ownership of a plot with a partner or two and shared production. Everyone took home an abundance…

2024 Yappy Hour!

  This year was our 4th time partnering with the Beer Gardens and KONG to raise funds for CLA through Yappy Hour!  We raised approximately $1,500 thanks to all the donations from people at the event and from the keg sales of New Terrain Brewing Co.  Edgewater Beer Garden was packed, which resulted in more…

In Memory of Buenetta Stringham

The sun of her soul has faded, she has lifted to the sky, she is keeping watch over us, while she relaxes way up high. I am glad she is not suffering, peace has finally found her, but even though she is in a better place that does not mean we will not miss her.…

Exciting Training Opportunities for Host Home Providers

Host Home Provider Training Classes Now Available via Zoom! Community Living Assistance (CLA) is excited to announce that we are now offering essential training classes for Host Home Providers through Zoom. This convenient, online format makes it easier than ever for providers to access important training from the comfort of their own homes. Available Classes:…

Out and About With CLASS

During our group outings, the members of CLASS Day Program have the opportunity to visit many wonderful places in our community. We currently have a list of over sixty locations that we visit regularly. Thanks to a very generous corporate grant, our members are able to visit places such as Meow Wolf, the Downtown Aquarium,…

Holiday Party 2023!

On December 15th of 2023, CLA Board Members, Staff, Host Home Providers, People Receiving Services, and family members all came together for our annual holiday gathering. It was nice for everyone associated with CLA to be able to come together in person this year, which was not the case during the past two holiday seasons.…