On Thursday, August 6th, CLA and C.L.A.S.S. Day Program held a fundraising / talent show event we called, “An Evening With CLASS 2015”. The show featured members of our day program, who among other things, sang, danced, played drums, and told jokes. One person even performed as a yellow submarine! All of our performers worked very hard to get ready for the show, and although some were nervous, every one of them performed their hearts out! The show was awesome, and everyone, from the performers to the audience had a great time. Special thanks to our staff members and family members who helped before, during, and after the show. Extra special thanks goes out to Carmen Matthews, Matt Mantell, Sara Donohue, and Gregg Wilson. We’d also like to thank Barb Kenyon-Mohrlang, who was our “Stage Mother” for the evening. Through ticket sales and a silent auction, we were able to raise much needed funds that will go toward the purchase of a wheelchair accessible van, which will allow CLASS to provide services to more people and a have an even more diverse group than we already have. Thanks also to Stacey D’Angelo at Community College of Aurora for allowing us to use their theater for the evening. If you’d like to see more pictures from the show, just click on the “Resources” link, then click on “Media Gallery”.